Ankle fractures

Decision making - displacement and stability

There are two key questions in treatment planning for a patient with a fractured ankle:

Is it displaced?

"Displacement" refers to the position of the talus in the mortise (left), not the malleolar fragments (right)
An intact deep deltoid will keep the talus safe in the mortise

What counts as displacement?

Displacement refers to the position of the talus in the mortise, NOT minor displacements of the fibula. The discussion of the basic science of ankle stability showed why fibular displacement in itself is of little significance:

Must the talus be exactly congruent?

Several older papers recommended no more than 4mm medial clear space (MCS), or 2mm more than the superior clear space. Recent studies suggest 5mm MCS is compatible with an intact deep deltoid ligament. None of these measurements were made on standing films, which may be a more accurate assessment of congruity.

Is it stable?

Stability can be defined in different ways. Ideally, a stable fracture would be one that can be treated without splintage, with early rehabilitation and with minimal incovenience to the patient. In some literature "stable" seems to have the less ambitious meaning of "does not need internal fixation", although this might be more a statement about orthopaedic culture than about fracture biology! Often stability has been defined in terms of the result of tests - and this can, obviously, be useful - but care needs to be taken that the test result can be shown to make a difference for management. The work on stress testing is open to this critique.

Previous work

Until recently, most studies have proceeded as though "stable fractures" or "supination-external rotation stage 2 fractures" are self-apparent, or can be defined in terms of:

Stress radiography

In 2004 McConnell and then Egol reported the results of stress radiography of undisplaced lateral malleolar fractures, with markedly different results. Both used >4mm MCS as a positive stress test. 63% of McConnell's patients had a negative stress test compared with only 35% of Egol's. Both series reported that physical sign were only moderately predictive of the result of the stress test. In Egol's series, 30% had a positive stress test but no medial symptoms or signs. 20 of these patients were treated in ankle braces and two displaced, although only one was symptomatic. Patients in McConnell's series with negative tests were treated in ankle braces and all united uneventfully.

The above studies used a manually applied external rotation stress test. An alternative technique is the gravity stress test originallydescribed by Michelson. The patient lies in the lateral position and the ankle is allowed to hang down freely over a support. Schock et al (2006) reported that this was less uncomfortable and possibly more sensitive than the manual stress test. 50% had an abnormal stress test, although no additional imging or clinical results were reported.

Imaging the deep deltoid

Egol and Koval have moved on to investigate the significance of positive stress radiographs with MR imaging of the deep deltoid ligament. Their most recent report found that 91% of patient with positive stress radiographs had only partial deltoid tears and successfully treated in a walking boot. Overall, this would suggest an incidence of complete tears of 6% (0.09x0.65).

At the same meeting (OTA 2006), Zeni reported ultrasonography of the deep deltoid ligament in patients with undisplaced ankle fractures. Fourteen patients had norml ligaments, 8 had partial tears and 5(18.5%) had complete tears. Physical signs were moderately predictive of any tear, but the absence of medial signs was 100% predictive of the absence of a complete tear.

Pragmatic treatment

Fox et al (2005) took a different, more pragmatic, approach. Stable fractures were diagnosed on the basis of medial symptoms and signs. 63% of undisplaced fractures fell into this category, and were successfully treated in ankle braces. The remainder, mainly on the basis of medial signs but a few on fracture morphology, were viewed as potentially unstable and were treated in BKW casts. Two fractures (1% of undisplaced fractures, 2% potentially unstable fractures) displaced.

This issue has been discussed in some detail because


Currently, our assessment of the evidence on displacement and stability is:


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